Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2018


Before answering this question first we need to understand the Basics of nutrition so that you can make the right decisions.
So, why it is hard to build muscles for vegetarians? It is because the amino acid profile for all the vegetarian food source is not complete except milk and soy, we can not have much of soy due to its estrogen qualities. On the other hand when we talk about non-vegetarian food sources like fish, eggs, chicken, etc. they have the most complete amino acid profile.
There are 9 essential amino acids our body needs and in order to build muscle we need all of the essential amino acids if out of these, 1 or 2 amino acids are not present then the amino acid profile is not complete and it will be hard for our body to build muscle.

Vegetarian build muscle

Difference between Complete and incomplete protein?

Complete Protein: A Complete Protein is which has a complete amino acid profile, which has all the 9 essential amino acids present in the proper ratio like eggs, chicken, fish, etc. Basically, all the non-vegetarian food sources have the complete amino acid profile which is suitable for muscle building.

Incomplete Protein: A incomplete Protein is in which the amino acid profile is not complete or not present in the proper ratios suitable for muscle building. If only one amino acid is missing then also the protein will become incomplete.

Vegetarian build muscle

The Researchers

A study was also done on Plant-based protein which was published on Harvard Health, you can check the study here.
The Research paper stated the importance of amino acid profile. It also stated that amino acid profile directly relates at which absorbed amino acids are put to within the body. It means that the amino acids profile in food source influences the muscle building in the body.
Animal-based protein is also readily available for protein synthesis in the body. On the other hand, plant-based protein is missing 1 or 2 amino acids. If we complete the missing amino acid, we get the complete protein

Another Study was done on the group of individual, one group was given Whey Protein which has the complete amino acid profile and another group was given Pea protein which has the incomplete amino acid profile, after a few days it was realized the group taking whey protein gained some strength and group taking pea protein did not receive any strength gains.
In the next study, one group of individuals were given whey protein and another group was given pea protein with some LEUCINE because pea protein does not have leucine in it, so after few days, it was realized that both the groups now gained strength and effects were similar.


Vegetarian food sources have the incomplete amino acid profile, so if we complete the amino acid profile of the vegetarian food source, we can achieve similar muscle building effects. But still, there are some other difficulties like veg sources of food has a lot of fiber and Carbohydrates, which sometimes can be a negative point.

So, YES Vegetarians can also build muscle with some good diet and complete amino acids profile. In next to,pic we will cover a vegetarian diet to build muscle, Till then Stay Healthy, Stay Strongg.   

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Biceps Not Growing? TRY THIS

Having killer BICEPS is every man's ultimate dream! Sadly but, it's not what the majority of men are able to get. You might be putting in a lot of effort in building those biceps but still not getting any results. 
Despite using proper forms and technique, biceps refuse to grow. It is not our fault, maybe it's in our genetics. But, you know what can change the genetics around; HARD WORK and some additional techniques.

Before trying this technique, make sure that your overall posture and form is good, if your form is not correct then no matter how many techniques you try, your biceps won't grow. So, first fix your form and posture.

Mistakes while doing Biceps

1. Wrong Form:  Do not bend your back while doing the bicep curl. Proper form is below.

2. Rushing:  DO not rush while doing bicep curls, Take at least 3 to 4 seconds to perform a single rep. Slowly bring down the weights, focus on negatives also.

3. Using your Forearms: Again, a postural flaw, most people get a better forearm pump than a bicep pump. That is because they are curling their wrists backwards and using too heavy weights. Keep your wrists in line with the forearms throughout the entire set and you will get a killer pump.

SO, these are the mistakes, first fix these mistakes then try this next technique.


In this technique, you have to perform superset with 2 exercise
  1. Biceps 21s
  2. Cable hammer curls

How To Perform?

1. First choose a weight for which you can do 21 reps, then hold the bar and go from the bottom of the movement up to the halfway point (with your arms at a 90-degree angle and hands at elbow level) for first 7 reps, then Go from the halfway point up to the top of the Bicep curl (hands up near shoulder level) for next 7 reps and at last start at the bottom of the movement and complete a full range of movement all the way up.

2. Superset this movement with cable hammer curl
Perform 3 sets of these at the end of your Bicep workout.

PRO TIP: Stand 2 feet away from the machine, you will get a good contraction in your biceps.

TRY this technique if you are facing hard times growing your arms, you will definitely see results. 

Saturday, September 29, 2018

8 Best Exercises To Train Your ABS !

You know your abs are ready and waiting to pop out beneath your belly, they just need a little push to show out in the form of a six-pack. Our core is very importnat and training our core can improve our posture, reduce and prevent lower-back pain, and advance your athletic performance.

Let us clear out one thing that if you want a visible set of abs then first drop down your Fat levels and then expect a visible set of abs. If you are fat or obese no matter how many times you do these exercises your abs won't be visible. So first make sure that you are at least below 15 percent of body fat.
Add these 10 exercises to your workout routine to make sure your abs get the attention they need.

1. Deadlift

Yes, you read it right, you might be thinking that how can deadlift train your core, But it is one of the best exercises for your core.
During a deadlift, the rectus abdominis and the obliques are both hard at work. The rectus abdominis is a pair of long muscles that extend the length of the torso. The obliques extend along either side of the torso. When you deadlift your abdomen muscle gets contracted and tight because when you perform a deadlift, you breathe in and hold your breath and that is when abdomen muscles come into play.

2. Squat

Same with the Squat, When we perform a squat, our abs and core face constant tension. Before going from the standing position into the squat, our abs build up tension in the lower part of your upper body.
When doing a squat, especially extensor muscles, lateral and straight abdominal muscles, as well as your lower back muscles, allow your upper body to remain in a straight position. You can see all the muscles that are engaged during a squat below.

3. Hanging Leg Raises

Hang from a pull-up bar with your hands and shoulder-width apart. Grab the bar using an overhand (pronated) grip. This is the starting position. Lift both of your knees until they make a 90-degree angle with your torso. Hold this position for 2 seconds, then fully extend your legs below you. That's one rep. To increase the intensity, instead of bending your legs, keep them straight when you raise them.

4. Plank

This is one of the best exercise to train your core, perform this exercise at the beginning or end of your workout. This exercise is an isometric hold that really focuses on the core. This movement is a mid-tier activator of both the rectus abdominis and obliques. You also don't need any fancy equipments to perform this exercise, so this is a good exercise to train your core muscles.

5. Reverse Crunch

This is a good exercise to train your lower abdomen part. As you perform this exercise breathe in, pull your knees toward your chest as you roll your pelvis backward and raise your hips and upper back off the floor. Hold this position for 1-2 seconds, then exhale as you move your legs back to the starting position.

6. Jackknife

You can perform this exercise while sitting and also while lying down. Lie down on your back, your arms should be extended above your head, and your hands touching the floor. This is the starting position. Bring your body to a "V" shape by lifting your legs and torso toward each other, keeping both your legs straight and your arms extended. Touch your hands to your legs, then lower your torso, arms, and legs back to the floor.

7. Kneeling Cable Crunch

We train every body part of our with weights then why not our core. Whenever it comes to training core people do not train their core with weights, they just train it free weight or do bodyweight exercise. We should train our ABS with adding weights also. The primary strength to this exercise variation is its versatility. It allows you to use any level of resistance to train for a target rep range. 

8. Ab- Wheel Roll- Out

This exercise capitalizes on the concept of anti-extension perfectly; as you roll out your trunk should perform an eccentric motion. When you move upwards in this exercise your whole abdomen gets contracted.

So, these are the best exercises to train your core and give your body a good posture.

How much Protein do we need to build Muscles?

Protein IntakeThere are 3 Macronutrients:
  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Protein
  3. Fat
We need all these macronutrients to build muscle, but protein is the most essential macronutrient that our body needs to build muscle. There are 20 amino acids in protein out of these 20 amino acids 9 amino acids our essential amino acids which our body can not produce by their own, so we have to consume it through foods or supplements. Our body can easily produce non-essential amino acids so there is no need for them to be taken separately.
Out of these 9 amino acids, 3 amino acids are BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACIDS (Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine) These 3 amino acids are responsible for better muscle protein synthesis.

Protein Intake

Factors Affecting Protein intake

This is a question that everybody wants to know because everybody has their own perspective for protein intake. Some people say 3 gms per kg of bodyweight is good, some say 3.4- 4 gms per kg is enough. So there are a lot of talks on this topic.
Well the amount of protein needs depends upon different factors.
  • Body Weight
  • Activity level
  • Needs

Body Weight: Amount of protein intake depends on everybody's body weight. Protein Requirement is different for every individual. For example: A 90 kg guys protein requirement would be different than an 80 kg individual, given that their activity levels and needs are same.

Activity Level: Amount of Protein intake also depends on activity level. An Active person would need more protein than low activity compared person.

Needs: This is the important factor in deciding the protein requirement. A person who goes to the gym daily and pushes heavyweights would need more protein than a non-gym goer individual

At Kent University researchers tested 3 different groups of people:

  1. On a low protein diet which was 0.9 grams of protein per kg of body weight.
  2. Another group eating 1.4 grams of protein per kg of body weight.
  3. A group eating 2.4 grams of protein per kg of body weight.
Both sedentary and strength training groups were involved. The results showed that 1.4 grams resulted in protein synthesis while there were no changes in the low protein group and, finally, the group that ingested 2.4 grams of protein did not see any more increased protein synthesis than the 1.4 grams of protein group.
Protein Intake


1. If you are a normal person living and have a sedentary lifestyle that your body does not need more than 1 gram per kg of your bodyweight

2. If you are an athlete (Runner, Footballer, etc,) then your body needs not more than 1.4 grams of protein per kg of your body weight.

3. Now if you are a gym goer who pushes heavyweights and does intense workout sessions 5 times a week, then your body needs 1.8 -  2.2 gms of protein per kg of bodyweight the most.

So, we hope that it is clear that you don't need crazy 300 gms - 400gms of protein to build muscle.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Lose Belly Fat in days !

To learn how to Lose Belly Fat, it's important to first understand different types of Fats in your body. There are 2 types of fats surrounding your body:

  • Subcutaneous fat
  • Visceral fat

1.Subcutaneous Fat: 

Subcutaneous fat is visible under the skin or can be pinched and it is not of a risk factor to the body.

2.Visceral Fat:

Visceral fat is body fat that is stored within the abdominal and is therefore stored around a number of important internal organs such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines.

So, it is mainly Visceral fat we have to deal with here.

What Triggers Visceral Fat?

There are many things we do in our daily living that triggers Visceral fat or Belly Fat.

1. STRESS: Stress Hormone Cortisol is majorly responsible for the triggering of Visceral fat or Belly Fat. Research at Yale University found that people who experienced significant levels of stress were more likely to have Belly Fat. Stress also causes inflammation and it makes you insulin resistance. Stress also makes you lazy, in turn, it raises your cortisol levels high, you can not lose fat if you have high-stress levels. So if you want to lose Belly fat or any Fat, first lower your stress level

                                                  How To lower Stress levels?

  • Exercise daily
  • Proper Sleep
  • And sometimes supplementing with some Ayurvedic Products like Ashwagandha or Gokshura can also help. 

2. Alcohol Consumption: Consuming Alcohol in moderate amount is fine but regular consumption of alcohol can weaken your liver, thus making it hard for your body to lose fat. So cut down your alcohol consumption if you are serious about your fat loss.

3. Poor Sleep: Poor Sleep can also trigger Visceral fat and can make hard for your body to lose fat. Take a poper 8 hr sleep, sleeping will also raise your testosterone levels which in turn lower your cortisol levels, making it easy for your body to lose fat.

                                 How Much to Eat For Fat Loss?

First of all, we need to understand that our belly does not understand BELLY FAT LOSS, it simply understands FAT LOSS. You can not target a specific area for fat loss, Spot reduction is not possible.
When you are in fat loss, your body will lose fat from all over your body, be it Belly, arms, Thighs or Hips, So we can not target a specific area.

Now in order to be in a FAT LOSS we just simply need to eat fewer calories than our maintenance calories. For example, Ram's maintenance calories are 2700 calories, so in order to lose fat he needs to eat 2300 calories or 2400 calories only then his body will be in a calorie deficit. The main part of a Fat loss programme is to be in a Calorie deficit (eating less than your maintenance calories)

                        How to calculate maintenance calories?

The basic formula to calculate maintenance calories is 

Body Weight (Kgs) 2.2 x 14-17 = Estimated Daily Calorie Maintenance Level

Now, if your weight is 80 kg then your maintenance calories would be (80*2.2*14) = 2464 calories, so now you need to eat 2000 calories if you want to lose fat.
But I would suggest that you yourself decide what are your maintenance calories, check your progress every week and then decide what is the best suiting calorie intake for you, measure your weight every week and decide what is best for you.

What to do for a successful fat loss program?

The simple answer to the above question is GO SLOW, Slowly cut down your calories, start with cutting 200 calories during the first week, then decrease 200 more calories after every 2 weeks and so on. If you want to lose more than 10 kgs then start slow, else, if you want to lose 4 kgs then you can go a bit fast.

                  Important tips for Succesful Fat Loss

1. Avoid Trans Fat: Trans fat is created by pumping hydrogen into unsaturated fats, such as soybean oil. Trans fat is linked to heart diseases and abdominal fat gain. A study in 200 showed that people who ate high trans fat diet gain more fat on their abdomen area. So, Avoid Trans Fat.

2. Eat a high protein diet: Eat a lot of protein, make sure that at least 30 percent of your diet contains protein. Protein preserves your muscles and also helps in fat loss. Eat foods such as Eggs, Chicken, Whey protein, etc.

3. Weight training and Cardio: When it comes to fat loss many people just focus on cardio and simply running on a treadmill for hours, but you should also do some compound weightlifting exercises such as Deadlifts, Squats, Bench Press, etc.

4. Cut your Carbohydrate Intake: On a Fat loss diet, you should cut your carbs and especially Refined and sugary carbs such as White bread, Processed sugars, etc.
Eat 40 percent of your diet with carbs and gradually decrease it.

5. Eat Good Fats: When people hear fat loss they just cut down their fat intake. Fats are not bad a trans fat and A lot of saturated fats are bad. You should eat foods rich in unsaturated fats such as olive oil, Nuts, Fish oil, Egg yolks( not more), etc.

6. Detox / Fruit juices won't lose fat: Don't fall for these stupid detox drinks for your fat loss, they won't help in your fat loss, the only thing that will work is your patience and HARD WORK.


The bottom line is that for a fat loss you have to follow these steps, There is no magic solutions to Lose Belly Fat
Weight loss always requires some effort, commitment and Hard Work.

If you are still facing problems in your fat loss you can always contact me for Personal online training on My email id:

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Do we Really need BCAA?

BCAA, Branched-chain amino acid, the supplement every gym goer has heard of, BUT the question is do we really need them?
Well if you ask someone who takes BCAA the only reason they would give is that it enhances recovery, though that's the word they use with anything supplemental.If you ask the supplement companies about BCAA, they may use certain other common statements like recovery, reduces muscle damage, increases muscle growth, etc. But the reality is something different and won't be easily digested by the BCAA lovers.

Amino Acids

  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine
  • Valine
They are called as branched chain, as they are the only whose chemical structure has a branched side chain, of the total nine essential amino acids. 
BCAA is diffrent from other amino acids because when we consume it, they directly go into the blood stream.

Having whey? Then no BCAA

Well if you are consuming whey protein and your overall protein intake is adequate then there is no need to take BCAA.BCAA supplementation has shown to be ineffective for healthy individuals who are consuming enough protein through other sources, be it whole foods or supplements like whey protein. 

SO if BCAA is not needed then why companies make it?

BCAA can be helpful for those who are vegetarians because a vegetarian diet does not include enough protein, but if your protein intake is enough or you are a non-vegetarian then BCAA in not needed

One more time BCAA can be helpful that is empty stomach or on a fasted state, studies have shown that taking BCAA on empty stomach can be helpful.