Friday, October 5, 2018

5 Supplements that will help you Build Muscle

Supplements are everyone's favorite and some supplements can be really helpful.
Supplements are not bad, taking them without proper knowledge is bad. Supplements should be taken according to their needs otherwise it is a waste of money. For example: if a person who has good testosterone levels is taking testosterone boosters then it is a waste of money for him on the other hand if a 34-year-old man is taking testosterone boosters that can help him. So we have to check what is best for us then we should take it.
These supplements which we will talk about should be taken by almost everyone because these supplements can be very helpful not only for muscle building but they are also good for our overall health.

Here are the 5 supplements that will help you build muscle.

1. Creatine

Creatine is a chemical that is found in the body. It is found in muscles. It is also found in foods such as red meat and chicken. Creatine supplies energy to our muscles. It is stored in the muscle cells, our body stores it in the form of creatinine phosphate. When we workout one molecule breaks down from adenosine triphosphate and it becomes adenosine diphosphate, so whenever a phosphate molecule breaks it provides us the energy, so at that time creatine helps by providing one extra phosphate molecule to ADP which again becomes ATP. So whenever we take creatine it always helps us by providing phosphate molecule and when that phosphate molecule breaks it provides us energy

Can Creatine cause Kidney damage?
The answer is yes, Creatine can cause kidney damage if your kidneys are already damaged or you are overdosing with creatine. Creatine should always be taken according to weight and the muscle mass of the person, creatine requirements for a 100 kg guy and a 70 kg guy would be different because 100 kg guy has more muscle to store creatine in it then a 70 kg guy. A correct dosage for an 80 kg human being should not be more than 5 grams and he should drink lots of water when taking creatine.

2. Fish Oil

Fish oil comes from the tissues of oily fish. Fish oils contain the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. This is one of the best supplements everyone can and should take it, this supplement is not only for bodybuilders or gymgoers, but this supplement is also for general health for everybody. Fish oil is good for your Heart, Joints, and Brain. Whenever we talk about muscle gains everybody talks about carbs and protein but nobody talks about fats and fish oil comes under essential fatty acids. There are 2 types of fatty acids one is essential fatty acids and another are non-essential fatty acids. Essential Fatty acids are the one that our body cannot produce on its self and non-essential fatty acids are those that our body can produce by themselves. Omega 3, 6, 9 are the essential fatty acids which are needed for the production of new muscle cells.
So Fish oil is one of the best supplement that will help you build muscle

3. Probiotics

There is a saying that "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT" well I think that this saying is not correct, correct one should be " YOU ARE WHAT YOU ABSORB". We are talking about probiotics, they are a must needed supplement even though you are having yogurt and Keefer but still if you are a gymgoer or bodybuilder you need probiotics supplementation because you are eating 3000 to 4000 calories and you need your digestive system to work well and that is why you need probiotics.
Probiotics supplements come with 9 to 10 strains in them with around 10 to 17 billion CFU's in them which are  needed for optimal digestion of your food, just remember that if your GUT is healthy then your whole body will be healthy

4. Digestive enzymes

Your diet consists of three macronutrients they are: Protein, Fats, and Carbs and many of you guys must be eating a proper ratio of these macronutrients but still you must be facing difficulties in muscle gain or weight gain, well that is not your fault you need digestive enzymes to break down the food you are eating to gain muscle. For example, if you are eating 40 grams protein in a meal, so there are chances that you are absorbing only 20 or 30 grams from that meal and rest is going to waste.
So, a digestive enzyme supplement is a must, digestive enzymes consist of three enzymes that are; Protease, Amylase, and Lipase. Protease enzyme is used to break down protein into amino acids, amylase enzyme is used to break carbs into glucose and lipase enzyme is used to break fats into fatty acids. Enzymes act as a catalyst, their presence is necessary for the body. Enzymes break down polymeric macromolecules into smaller building blocks of the body.
So, add a digestive enzyme and you will see that you are digesting food easily and gaining weight quickly.

5. MultiVitamins

Multivitamins are very essential for muscle growth and overall health. We always neglect multivitamin that is because it is a micronutrient and it will not upgrade your performance in the gym that quickly and that is why we neglect it. We know that multivitamin doesn't show effects quickly, they take time to show effects. 
Also, companies don't promote multivitamins the way they promote WHEY, BCAA, GlUTAMINE, etc. Multivitamins are the must for digestion also, we eat so much protein, carbs, fats so we need multivitamins for digestion also. Multivitamins will help you extract energy from your food. They will also help in increasing protein synthesis and will also help you to gain muscle
So, take a multivitamin and make those gains fast

These were the 5 supplements that will help with your muscle gains and your overall health.

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